MEETING 1 - The first meeting of the Aquadapt consortium took place at the University of Alicante, Spain between the 15th -16th March 2002.
As with all opening EC project meetings, this first gathering was intended as an opportunity for the partners to become familiar with the project as a whole, as well as individual workpackages and links between workpackages. This photo of the Aquadapt team was taken on the Saturday after lunch.

MEETING 2 - The second meeting of the Aquadapt consortium took place between 25th – 27th October 2002 at Montpellier, France; hosted by the Conseil Général de l'Hérault and arranged by BRGM.
MEETING 3 - The third meeting of the Aquadapt consortium took place between 30th May and 1st June 2003 in Postojna, Slovenia and was hosted by the Karst Research Institute of ZRC-SAZU